20 Years of Dream
Posted by Joely Beck on

Dream began as an online web store in May of 2004 in an ocean front beach bungalow off of Law Street in North Pacific Beach CA. In 2007, I moved my two young boys to my hometown of Yuma, AZ and opened Dream a Little Dream up as a brick n mortar storefront. After the addition of a baby girl and 5 years on 24th Street, Dream landed in the historic downtown Yuma area on Madison Avenue. This is the location where we've opened the doors for 12 years now. The online store has evolved throughout the years and includes all the...
Another employee heads off to college ♥️😭
Posted by Joely Leeper on

You will do GREAT things Rylee! ♥️ Another Dream employee is off to college 😭 She’s all set in in her dorm snuggling up with her Barefoot Dreams® CozyChic Lite® Heathered Cable Blanket 🙌🏼 Enjoy these years as the time will fly! Hope to see you behind the counter during Christmas break! 🐻⬇️
Losing employees as they head back to college is bitter sweet!
Posted by Joely Leeper on

Tayler took over Instagram and Facebook today during her last shift of the summer... I am loving these “favorites” shots that she took! Tayler... have a great sophomore year at U of A and thank you SO much for all your hard work this summer! We love you so much! 🐻⬇️ Here are Tayler’s favorites ♥️
Extended Holiday Hours, Shipping Timelines & a big Thank You!
Posted by Joely Leeper on

It’s been a fantastic holiday season here at Dream! We are fully staffed to help you with your last minute holiday shopping and we’re still shipping through Friday! There are many options using USPS Priority and Express services as well as UPS 2nd day and Next Day services. Shop online, come into the store or give us a call during our extended hours. 928-726-9393 ONLINE SHOPPERS: Our website is on inventory control, which means that if you can put the item in your shopping cart and checkout, that means it is in stock! We are shipping using services of expedited...
Hello from Michayla! 🐻⬇️ U of A!
Posted by Michayla Martinich on